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Songs featured within episodes of White Collar[]

Below are the commercial (non-original) tracks featured in episodes of White Collar. Songs are listed in chronological order of their first appearance by episode.

Season 1[]

Song Title Artist Episodes featuring Sources
"Hold On! I'm Comin" Sam & Dave Pilot Opening scene when Neal gets a car from the airport and drives into the city;
Final scene after Peter gives Neal his FBI credentials
"The Good Life" Bobby Darin Pilot When Peter goes to June's home to find where Neal has moved to (Roof-top terrace scene)
"Open Your Eyes" Jesse Glick The Portrait Opening scene when Neal and Mozzie are at Grand Central Terminal
"Feels Like the End" Shane Alexander All In Final scene after Mei-Lin calls Neal
"The Flower Duet" Delibes Free Fall

Inside Adrian Tullane's apartment

"Piano Sonata No. 2" Mozart Hard Sell The music box
"Love Is A Many Splendored Thing" Vital Signs Neal is singing this while he's druged and kept in Dr Powell's office
"Crystal Village" Pete Yorn Season 1 Used in promotional clips for second half of season

Season 2[]

Song Title Artist Episodes featuring Sources
"Claire De Lune" Debussy Need to Know Warehouse scene with Peter and Mozzie
"I'm Back" Dope Copycat Caffrey
"In The Hall Of Mountain King" Edvard Grieg By the Book Scene when Mozzie enters the bureau
"How You Like Me Now" The Heavy Point Blank Neal confronts Fowler


The Music Box music is NOT a classical piece, as has so often been mis-reported, but was written especially for the box when it was comissioned. Source: Jeff Eastin on Season One White Collar Boxed Set Disk Commentary. It is a variation of Mozart's piano sonata in F major adagio.
