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Dennis Flynn Jr
Gender Male
Birth Date (1973-05-08) May 8, 1973 (age 51)
Profession Criminal
Status Deceased
Family Dennis Flynn Sr (father)

Portrayed By Scott Evans
First Appearance Vested Interest
Last Appearance Family Business
Images of FlynnJr

Dennis Flynn Jr was a member of the Flynn Organization, an Irish organized-crime family based out of the Baltimore/DC area who had corrupt cops on the payroll, including James Bennett. After his father passed away in prison, Flynn tried to revive the family whiskey-counterfeiting business and move into the white-collar world.

One day, Flynn was contacted by Senator Terrence Pratt, a former corrupt cop on the payroll, informing him that James Bennett and Ellen Parker were responsible for taking down his family. Out of revenge, Flynn tracked down and murdered Ellen and the two Marshals with a specific Browning P9R gun that has been kept in his family for a long time.

With access to FBI records, Flynn was able to find James after Peter Burke ran James' name twice. He tied James up and tortured him until James was rescued by Neal Caffrey.

Later on, Flynn attended a micro-distillery tasting, where he tasted a counterfeit whiskey made by Neal and Mozzie as part of a sting operation.

Two days later, Flynn invited Neal back to his distillery to hire him to make bottles of his family's old whiskey, McCann, which only 55 bottles are made per year at $100,000 per bottle. In addition, Neal convinces Flynn to hire Mozzie to make the glass bottles. Otherwise, it would take weeks before they could get started due to the glassblowing process.

After Neal and Mozzie finish counterfeiting their first bottle of McCann, Flynn catches Neal in his office, seemingly about to take a drink of his Higgins-Barrow. Neal's confidence game works on Flynn and they share a drink together with Flynn chalking it up to Neal's love of whiskey.

Once Neal and Mozzie finished making the 55 bottles of family whiskey, Flynn met up with Peter posing Conroy, the Flynn family's previous whiskey distributor with whom they had a falling out many years ago. During the meeting, Flynn mentioned to "Conroy" that Neal and Mozzie were no longer needed since Flynn recorded their process and they've seen too much. As Flynn orders his men to get rid of Neal and Mozzie, Peter blew his own cover by grabbing Flynn's generational handgun from behind the bar and ordering Flynn to call off his men. Flynn attacked Peter while Peter was distracted trying to get Neal's attention, but Peter was able to gain the upper-hand and arrest him for intent to distribute counterfeit items, attempted murder, and "whatever crimes" he may have committed with the Browning gun, to which Flynn accused Peter of planting and Neal responded "Bet your dad said the same thing".

While Flynn was being escorted to prison, he was murdered by another prisoner via a shiv.
